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There are certain states within the US that require state safety inspections for your vehicle. These inspections are to be conducted whenever a vehicle is being sold/changing ownership or being registered in Maryland. This applies even if you have recently had your vehicle inspected in another state because Maryland does not recognize other states’ inspections.

Here at Rockville Auto Clinic, we are proud to be a state safety inspection facility and we understand that a safety inspection can still be an inconvenience. That is why we offer several amenities to our customers to make this state sponsored inspection as easy as possible. We have Free WiFi available in our waiting area so you can check email or play games while you wait. Or you can kickback for a bit and watch some cable television while we perform your safety inspection.

At the end of each inspection the technician that performed the inspection will present you with a list. This list will clearly show each part that was inspected and whether or not the specific part has met the state of Maryland’s safety (link to: suggests that you call ahead to schedule your safety inspection and that the inspection should take about ninety minutes once the technicians beings inspecting your car, truck or SUV. We do encourage that you call us so we can answer any questions you may have otherwise feel free to schedule an appointment online for a time that works best for you.

Can’t make it to us during business hours? No Problem, feel free to take advantage of our night drop. Just fill out an envelope letting us know the reason for your visit and we will contact you the following morning. Located at 15123 Frederick Rd Rockville, MD 20850, come by and meet our friendly and knowledgeable staff.